Guided Phenotype Upload Workflow

  1. Intro
  2. Breeding Program
  3. Locations
  4. Accessions
  5. Trials
  6. Observations
  7. Finish
  1. Introduction

    This workflow will guide your through the basic steps required for adding one or more phenotyping / field trials to the database:

    Download Templates  

  2. Breeding Program(s)

    Trials are associated with a single Breeding Program. Before a Trial can be added, the Breeding Program must already exist in the database.

    Check the table below to see if your Breeding Program has already been created.

    Breeding Programs:

    AAFCAgriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC)
    AAFC AgassizAgriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) Pacific Agri-Food Research Centre (PARC) in Agassiz, BC-CAN. Institution: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.
    AAFC BrandonAgriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) Brandon Research Centre, MB-CAN. Institution: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. Collaborator: Jennifer W. Mitchell-Fetch.
    AAFC LacombeAgriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) Lacombe Research Centre, AB-CAN. Institution: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. Collaborator: Jennifer W. Mitchell-Fetch.
    AAFC OttawaAgriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) Eastern Cereal and Oilseed Research Centre (ECORC) in Ottawa, ON-CAN. Institution: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. Collaborator: Weikai Yan.
    AAFC Sainte-FoyAgriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) Soils and Crops Research and Development Centre (SCRDC) in Quebec, QC-CAN. Institution: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.
    AAFC WinnipegAgriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) Winnipeg Research Centre, MB-CAN. Institution: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.
    ARI Kromeriz Ltd. Czech RepublicAgricultural Research Institute Kromeriz, Ltd.
    Auburn UniversityAlabama Agricultural Experiment Station (AAES), Auburn University, AL-USA. Institution: Auburn University. Collaborators: Kathryn Glass, Marnin Wolfe
    Australian Department of AgricultureThe Australian Government Department of Agriculture. Institution: Australian Government Department of Agriculture.
    Boreal Plant Breeding Ltd.A Finnish plant breeding company. Institution: Boreal Plant Breeding Ltd.
    Clemson UniversityClemson University, SC-USA. Institution: Clemson University.
    Cokers Pedigreed Seed Co.A plant breeding company based in SC-USA. Institution: Coker's Pedigreed Seed Co..
    Colorado State UniversityColorado State University, CO-USA. Institution: Colorado State University.
    Connecticut AESThe Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, CT-USA. Institution: The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station.
    CORECollaborative Oat Research Enterprise
    Cornell UniversityCornell University, NY-USA. Institution: Cornell University. Collaborator: Mark E. Sorrells.
    Corteva IACollaborative trials in Johnston IA
    Dominion Rust Research LaboratoryDominion Rust Research Laboratory, MB-CAN. Institution: University of Manitoba.
    General Mills Inc.A multinational manufacturer and marketer of branded consumer foods based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Institution: General Mills Inc.. Collaborator: Paul Richter.
    Graminor ASA Norwegian plant breeding company based at Bjorke Research Station, Hamar, Norway. Institution: Graminor AS.
    Groetzner Pflanzenzucht GmbH & Co. KGA German plant breeding company based in Hamburg, Germany. Institution: Groetzner Pflanzenzucht GmbH & Co. KG.
    Harvard UniversityHarvard University, MA-USA Institution: Harvard University.
    IHAR PolandThe Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute (IHAR) National Research Institute. Institution: Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute. Collaborator: B. Lapinski.
    Indian Agricultural Research InstituteIndian Agricultural Research Institute, Indian Council of Agricultural Research. Institution: Indian Agricultural Research Institute.
    Instituto de Investigaciones AgropecuariasThe Agricultural Research Institute of Chile. Institution: Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias.
    INTA ArgentinaThe National Agricultural Technology Institute is an Argentine federal agency. Institution: Instituto Nacional de Technologia Agropecuaria.
    Intercropping CooperativeOat breeding programs collaborating on oat intercropping trials
    Interessengemeinschaft Pflanzenzucht GmbHA cooperative marketing organisation composed of 11 plant breeders. Institution: Interessengemeinschaft Pflanzenzucht GmbH.
    Iowa State UniversityIowa State University, IA-USA. Institution: Iowa State University.
    JKIdiverse oat pre-breeding projects
    Kansas State UniversityKansas State University, KS-USA. Institution: Kansas State University.
    KWS SAAT SEA German plant breeding company. Institution: KWS SAAT SE.
    Lemaire DeffontainesA French plant breeding company. Institution: Lemaire Deffontaines.
    Louisiana State UniversityLouisiana State University, LA-USA. Institution: Louisiana State University. Collaborator: Stephen A. Harrison.
    McGill UniversityMcGill University, QC-CAN. Institution: McGill University.
    Michigan State UniversityMichigan State University, MI-USA. Institution: Michigan State University.
    Midwest Collaborative NurseryMidwest Collaborative Nursery
    Mississippi State UniversityMississippi State University, MS-USA. Institution: Mississippi State University. Collaborator: Brad Burgess.
    NARO/HARC JapanNational Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO) Hokkaido Agricultural Research Center (HARC), Japan. Institution: Hokkaido National Agricultural Experiment Station.
    NIBIO NorwayThe Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO) is one of the largest Norwegian research institutes. Institution: Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research.
    NMBU NorwayThe Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU). Institution: Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU). Collaborator: Asmund Bjornstad.
    NordGenNordGen (the Nordic Genetic Resource Center) is a Nordic organization dedicated to the safeguarding and sustainable use of plants, farm animals and forests. Institution: Nordic Gene Bank.
    North Carolina State UniversityNorth Carolina State University, NC-USA. Institution: North Carolina State. Collaborator: Paul Murphy.
    North Dakota State UniversityNorth Dakota State University, ND-USA. Institution: North Dakota State University. Collaborator: Michael S. McMullen.
    Northeastern Oklahoma A&M CollegeNortheastern Oklahoma A&M College, OK-USA. Institution: Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College.
    NSGC OatThe National Small Grains Collection (NSGC) is an active germplasm collection (or genebank) that maintains collections representing global diversity of the small grains. Institution: National Small Grains Collection.
    Oat AdvantagePrivate breeding program near Saskatoon, SK
    Ohio State UniversityOhio State University, OH-USA. Institution: Ohio State University.
    Oklahoma State UniversityOklahoma State University, OK-USA. Institution: Oklahoma State University.
    Olds CollegeField Crop Development Centre, Olds College, Alberta
    Oregon State UniversityOregon State University, OR-USA. Institution: Oregon State University.
    Penn StatePennsylvania State University, PA-USA. Institution: Pennsylvania State University.
    Plant & Food Research New ZealandPlant & Food Research is a New Zealand-based science company providing research and development that adds value to fruit, vegetable, crop and food products. Institution: Plant and Food Research.
    POGIPublic Oat Genotyping Initiative
    Practical Farmers of IowaPractical Farmers of Iowa
    Purdue UniversityPurdue University, IN-USA. Institution: Purdue University. Collaborator: Mohsen Mohammadi.
    Rutgers UniversityRutgers University, NJ-USA. Institution: Rutgers University.
    Saaten-Union GmbHAn association of seven plant breeding enterprises. Institution: Saaten-Union GmbH.
    Saatzucht Edelhof AustriaA plant breeding company located in Zwettl, Austria.
    South Dakota State UniversitySouth Dakota State University, SD-USA. Institution: South Dakota State University. Collaborator: Melanie Caffe.
    Spanish Council for Scientific ResearchCSIC - Institute for Sustainable Agriculture, Cordoba, Spain
    SUNGRAINSThe Southeastern UNiversity GRAINS small grain breeding and genetics group. Institution: SUNGRAINS cooperative small grain breeding program. Collaborator: Stephen A. Harrison.
    Svalof Weibull ABA Swedish crop development company. Institution: Svalof Weibull AB.
    SVUF SwedenA Swedish seed company. Institution: Swedish Seed Trade Association.
    Texas A&M UniversityTexas A&M University, TX-USA. Institution: Texas A&M. Collaborator: Amir Ibrahim.
    The Samuel Roberts Noble FoundationThe Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation is an independent, nonprofit institute headquartered in Ardmore, OK-USA. Institution: The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation. Collaborator: Josh Anderson.
    UFRGS BrazilThe Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Institution: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul.
    Uniform Oat Performance NurseryThe Uniform Oat Performance Nursery
    Uniform Oat Winter Hardiness NurseryThe Uniform Oat Winter Hardiness Nursery
    Uniform Winter Oat Yield NurseryThe Uniform Winter Oat Yield Nursery
    Universidad Autonoma ChapingoChapingo Autonomous University is a federally funded agricultural college located in Texcoco, Mexico State in Mexico. Institution: Universidad Autonoma Chapingo.
    Universidade de Passo FundoThe University of Passo Fundo (UPF) is a private university located in the city of Passo Fundo, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Institution: Universidade de Passo Fundo.
    University of Aberystwyth IBERSThe Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences (IBERS) is an internationally-recognised research and teaching institute within the University of Aberystwyth, United Kingdom. Institution: University of Aberystwyth.
    University of AlaskaUniversity of Alaska, AK-USA. Institution: University of Alaska Fairbanks.
    University of AlbertaUniversity of Alberta, AB-CAN. Institution: University of Alberta.
    University of ArizonaUniversity of Arizona, AZ-USA. Institution: University of Arizona.
    University of ArkansasUniversity of Arkansas, AR-USA. Institution: University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. Collaborator: Esten Mason.
    University of British ColumbiaUniversity of British Columbia, BC-CAN. Institution: University of British Columbia.
    University of CaliforniaUniversity of California, CA-USA. Institution: University of California.
    University of California DavisUniversity of California Davis, CA-USA. Institution: University of California, Davis. Collaborator: Isabel Alicia del Blanco.
    University of Colorado BoulderUniversity of Colorado Boulder, CO-USA. Institution: University of Colorado Boulder.
    University of DelawareUniversity of Delaware, DE-USA. Institution: University of Delaware. Collaborator: Bob Uniatowski.
    University of FloridaUniversity of Florida, FL-USA. Institution: University of Florida. Collaborator: Ali Barber.
    University of GeorgiaUniversity of Georgia, GA-USA. Institution: University of Georgia. Collaborator: Jerry Johnson.
    University of GuelphUniversity of Guelph, ON-CAN. Institution: University of Guelph.
    University of IdahoUniversity of Idaho, ID-USA. Institution: University of Idaho.
    University of IllinoisUniversity of Illinois, IL-USA. Institution: University of Illinois. Collaborator: Juan David Arbelaez
    University of KentuckyUniversity of Kentucky, KY-USA. Institution: University of Kentucky.
    University of MaineUniversity of Maine, ME-USA. Institution: University of Maine.
    University of Massachusetts AmherstUniversity of Massachusetts Amherst, MA-USA. Institution: University of Massachusetts Amherst.
    University of MinnesotaUniversity of Minnesota, MN-USA. Institution: University of Minnesota. Collaborator: Kevin Smith.
    University of MissouriUniversity of Missouri, MO-USA. Institution: University of Missouri.
    University of Nebraska-LicolnUniversity of Nebraska-Licoln, NE-USA. Institution: University of Nebraska-Licoln.
    University of NevadaUniversity of Nevada, NV-USA. Institution: University of Nevada.
    University of New HampshireUniversity of New Hampshire, NH-USA. Institution: University of New Hampshire.
    University of SaskatchewanUniversity of Saskatchewan, SK-CAN. Institution: University of Saskatchewan. Collaborator: Aaron D. Beattie.
    University of TennesseeUniversity of Tennessee, TN-USA. Institution: University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Collaborator: Fred Allen.
    University of VermontUniversity of Vermont, VT-USA. Institution: University of Vermont.
    University of WisconsinUniversity of Wisconsin, WI-USA. Institution: University of Wisconsin. Collaborator: Lucia Gutierrez.
    UnknownGermplasm of unknown origin. Institution: Unknown.
    USDAUnited States Department of Agriculture Institution: US Department of Agriculture.
    USDA-ARS AberdeenUSDA-ARS Aberdeen, ID-USA
    USDA-ARS BeltsvilleUSDA-ARS Beltsville, MD-USA
    USDA-ARS MadisonUSDA-ARS Madison, WI-USA
    USDA-ARS Saint PaulUSDA-ARS Saint Paul, MN-USA
    USDA-UVMUSDA at the University of Vermont
    Virginia TechVirginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, VA-USA. Institution: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Collaborator: Carl Griffey.
    Washington State UniversityWashington State University, WA-USA. Institution: Washington State University. Collaborator: Steve Jones.

    If your Breeding Program exists:

    Continue to the next step

    If your Breeding Program does not exist:

    1. Go to the Manage > Breeding Programs page
    2. Click the Add New Program button at the bottom of the page to add your Breeding Program to the database

    Detailed Instructions  

  3. Locations

    Each Trial needs to be associated with a single Location and the Location needs to exist in the database before adding a Trial. Most of our trials are associated with a location of the closest town to the field site. However, more specific locations can be used (such as a separate location for each field).

    Check the table below to see if the Location(s) of your Trial(s) have already been created.


    Aberdeen, IDABEIDUnited States of America64 trials
    Aberdeen, SDABESDUnited States of America7 trials
    Aberystwyth, United KingdomABEUNUnited Kingdom9 trials
    Afsin, TurkeyAFSTUTurkey1 trials
    Akademija, LithuaniaAKALILithuania1 trials
    Albion, NYALBNYUnited States of America1 trials
    Alma, WIALMWIUnited States1 trials
    Ames, IAAMEIAUnited States of America33 trials
    Antigo, WIANTWIUnited States of America6 trials
    Ardmore, OKARDOKUnited States of America7 trials
    Arlington, WIARLWIUnited States of America43 trials
    As, NorwayASNONorway1 trials
    Ashfield, WIASHWIUnited States of America4 trials
    Ashkum, ILASHILUnited States3 trials
    Bad Vilbel, GermanyBADGEGermany1 trials
    Batavia, NYBATNYUnited States of America7 trials
    Bath, SDBATSDUnited States1 trials
    Baton Rouge, LABATLAUnited States of America18 trials
    Becker, MNBECMNUSA United States of America1 trials
    Belle Mina, ALBEMIALUnited States1 trials
    Beresford, SDBERSDUnited States of America42 trials
    Bison, SDBISSDUnited States of America2 trials
    Blacksburg, VABLAVAUnited States of America3 trials
    Boone, IABOOIAUnited States of America3 trials
    Brandon, MBBRAMBCanada6 trials
    Brookings, SDBROSDUnited States of America39 trials
    Brooksville, MSBROMSUnited States of America8 trials
    Buffalo County, WIBUFWIUnited States of America2 trials
    Calumet, IACALIAUnited States of America6 trials
    Carrington, NDCARNDUnited States of America28 trials
    Casselton, NDCASNDUnited States1 trials
    Castroville, TXCASTXUnited States of America10 trials
    Centerville, SDCENSDUnited States of America3 trials
    Charles City, IACHAIAUnited States of America4 trials
    Charlottetown, PECHAPECanada4 trials
    Chatham, MICHAMIUnited States3 trials
    Chilton, WICHIWIUnited States of America18 trials
    Christchurch, New ZealandCHCHNZNew Zealand2 trials
    Citra, FLCITFLUnited States of America3 trials
    Clayton, NCCLANCUnited States of America8 trials
    Clemson, SCCLESCUnited States of America3 trials
    College Station, TXCOLTXUnited States of America13 trials
    Columbia, MOCOLMOUnited States of America11 trials
    Cordoba, SpainCORSPSpain0 trials
    Cortland, NYCORNYUnited States of America1 trials
    Crawfordsville, IACRAIAUnited States of America7 trials
    Crookston, MNCROMNUnited States of America22 trials
    Dallas, TXDALTXUnited States of America1 trials
    Danforth, ILDANILUnited States of America5 trials
    Davis, CADAVCAUnited States3 trials
    DeKalb, ILDEKILUnited States of America119 trials
    Dickinson, NDDICNDUnited States of America15 trials
    Draper, SDDRASDUnited States of America2 trials
    East Lansing, MIEASMIUnited States of America29 trials
    Edelhof, AustriaEDEAUAustria11 trials
    Edgeley, NDEDGNDUnited States of America7 trials
    Elkhart, IAELKIAUnited States1 trials
    Elwood, ILELWILUnited States of America2 trials
    Fargo, NDFARNDUnited States of America69 trials
    Farmersville, TXFARTXUnited States of America2 trials
    Fayetteville, ARFAYARUnited States of America3 trials
    Fergus Falls, MNFERMNUnited States of America5 trials
    Florence, SCFLOSCUnited States of America4 trials
    Frankenmuth, MIFRAMIUnited States1 trials
    Fullerton, NDFULNDUnited States of America1 trials
    Geneva, NYGENNYUnited States6 trials
    Grayson County, TXGRATXUnited States of America1 trials
    Greenfield, IAGREIAUnited States1 trials
    Griffin, GAGRIGAUnited States of America9 trials
    Gubalowka, PolandGUBPOPoland1 trials
    Guterman 1340 trials
    Guterman 1340 trials
    Guterman 1340 trials
    Harlan, IAHARIAUnited States1 trials
    Henrietta, NYHENNYUnited States of America7 trials
    Hettinger, NDHETNDUnited States of America15 trials
    Hickory Corners, MIHICMIUnited States2 trials
    Ithaca, NYITHNYUnited States52 trials
    Ithaca, NY - CaldwellITHNY-CALUnited States6 trials
    Ithaca, NY - HelferITHNY-HELUnited States12 trials
    Ithaca, NY - KetolaITHNY-KETUnited States15 trials
    Ithaca, NY - McGowanITHNY-MCGUnited States5 trials
    Ithaca, NY - SnyderITHNY-SNYUnited States14 trials
    Johnson, IAJOHIAUSA United States of America0 trials
    Kanawha, IAKANIAUnited States of America6 trials
    Kimball, MNKIMMNUnited States of America2 trials
    Kinston, NCKINNCUnited States of America9 trials
    Knoxville, TNKNOTNUnited States of America8 trials
    Kromeriz, Czech RepublicKROCZCzech Republic7 trials
    Lacombe, ABLACABCanada21 trials
    Lamberton, MNLAMMNUnited States of America19 trials
    Lancaster, WILANWIUnited States of America22 trials
    Langdon, NDLANNDUnited States of America15 trials
    Laurel Springs, NCLAUNCUnited States of America16 trials
    Lawrenceville, ILLAWILUnited States of America2 trials
    LeCenter, MNLECMNUnited States of America6 trials
    Lewis, IALEWIAUnited States of America7 trials
    Lexington, KYLEXKYUnited States1 trials
    Livingston, NYLIVNYUnited States8 trials
    MSMS-USAUnited States of America1 trials
    Madison, WIMADWIUnited States of America118 trials
    Mallard, IAMALIAUnited States1 trials
    Marianna, ARMARARUnited States2 trials
    Marianna, FLMARFLUnited States of America1 trials
    Maricopa, AZMARAZUnited States of America1 trials
    Marshfield, WIMARWIUnited States of America18 trials
    Martonvasar, HungaryMARHUHungary6 trials
    Maynard, IAMAYIAUnited States1 trials
    McGregor, TXMCGTXUnited States of America8 trials
    Mead, NEMEANEUnited States of America10 trials
    Miller, SDMILSDUnited States of America6 trials
    Minot, NDMINNDUnited States of America37 trials
    Monmouth, ILMONILUnited States of America74 trials
    Morden, MBMORMBCanada9 trials
    Morris, MNMORMNUnited States of America30 trials
    Nashua, IANASIAUnited States of America13 trials
    Newton, MSNEWMSUnited States of America9 trials
    Normandin, QCNORQCCanada4 trials
    Okaton, SDOKASDUnited States of America3 trials
    Organic Urbana, ILOrgURBUnited States of America3 trials
    Ottawa, ONOTTONCanada49 trials
    Ottawa, ON (Greenhouse)OTTON-GHCanada2 trials
    Pierre, SDPIESDUnited States of America3 trials
    Pike, NYPIKNYUnited States of America1 trials
    Plains, GAPLAGAUnited States of America14 trials
    Portage la Prairie, MBPORMBCanada1 trials
    Posen, MIPOSMIUnited States1 trials
    Prattville, ALPRAALUnited States of America19 trials
    Prosper, TXPROTXUnited States of America4 trials
    Quincy, FLQUIFLUnited States of America18 trials
    Radzikow, PolandRADPOPoland10 trials
    Raleigh, NCRALNCUnited States of America6 trials
    Randalia, IARANIAUnited States1 trials
    Rochester, MNROCMNUnited States of America3 trials
    Roseau, MNROSMNUnited States of America7 trials
    Rosemount, MNRSEMNUnited States33 trials
    Saint Paul, MNSTPMNUnited States145 trials
    Salisbury, NCSALNCUnited States of America14 trials
    Saskatoon, SKSASSKCanada30 trials
    Selby, SDSELSDUnited States of America6 trials
    Sidney, NESIDNEUnited States of America2 trials
    South Burlington, VTSBUVTUnited States1 trials
    South Shore, SDSOUSDUnited States of America25 trials
    Spooner, WISPOWIUnited States of America24 trials
    Spring Hill, TNSPRTNUnited States of America4 trials
    Sprout Brook, NYSPRNYUnited States of America2 trials
    Stephen, MNSTEMNUnited States of America6 trials
    Sturgeon Bay, WISTUWIUnited States of America23 trials
    Stuttgart, ARSTUARUnited States of America10 trials
    Sussex County, DESUSDEUnited States of America7 trials
    Tallassee, ALPBUUnited States1 trials
    Tetonia, IDTETIDUnited States of America4 trials
    University Park, PAUNIPAUnited States of America12 trials
    Urbana, ILURBILUnited States of America284 trials
    Volga, SDVOLSDUnited States27 trials
    Wall, SDWALSDUnited States of America6 trials
    Warsaw, VAWARVAUnited States of America1 trials
    Waseca, MNWASMNUnited States of America27 trials
    Watertown, SDWATSDUnited States of America21 trials
    Wayland, NYWYLNYUnited States9 trials
    Wayne, NYWYNNYUnited States2 trials
    Waynesville, NCWAYNCUnited States of America13 trials
    West Lafayette, INWESINUnited States of America61 trials
    Williston, NDWILNDUnited States of America12 trials
    Winner, SDWINSDUnited States of America7 trials
    Winnipeg, MBWINMBCanada119 trials
    Winnsboro, LAWINLAUnited States of America8 trials
    Wooster, OHWOOOHUnited States of America8 trials

    If your Location(s) exist:

    Continue to the next step

    If your Location(s) do not exist:

    1. Go to the Manage > Locations page
    2. Click the [Upload New Locations] link in the top right corner of the page to upload a Locations Excel Template

    Detailed Instructions  

  4. Accessions

    The contents of each plot must be associated with a single Accession (germplasm line). The Accession must exist in the database before a Trial can be created. Also, you must refer to the exact spelling and letter-case of the Accession's name (or synonym) in the database when creating the Trial.

    We try very hard to avoid creating duplicate entries of an Accession based on variations in the spelling and/or characters used in the Accession name. Therefore, whenever you upload an accession or trial template, all of the accession names in the file are automatically sent to the BrAPI Germplasm Search Tool to find any existing Accession entries in the database that may match the names in your file due to variations in spelling and/or punctuation. You will then be able choose which potential matches are real and those matches will be replaced automatically in your upload file.

    If you'd like to manually search for existing Accession entries:

    If all of your Accessions already exist:

    Continue to the next step

    Add any new Accessions to the database:

    1. Go to the Manage > Accessions page
    2. Click the [Add Accessions or Upload Accession Info] link in the top right corner of the page
    3. Select the Uploading a File tab to upload an Accessions Excel template

    Detailed Instructions  

  5. Trials

    A Trial (a single location & year environment) must exist in the database before Trait Observations can be added. When a Trial is created, the folllowing information is added to the database:

    • Trial Metadata, such as:
      • the Breeding Program that performed the Trial
      • the Location
      • the Design Type
      • the Planting/Harvest Date(s)
    • Plot Metadata, such as:
      • the Accession grown in the Plot
      • Plot number
      • Block number
      • Rep number
      • Whether or not the Plot is used as a control
      • Row/Column position of the Plot within the field

    Upload a Multi-Trial Upload Template:

    1. Go to the Manage > Field Trials page
    2. Click the Upload Existing Trial(s) button in the top right corner of the page
    3. On Step 2, select the Multiple Trial Designs tab
    4. Upload a Multi-Trial Excel Template

    Detailed Instructions  

  6. Trait Observations

    Once the Trial(s) have been added to the database, Trait Observations can be added to the Plots within the Trial(s).

    To add Trait Observations, you will need:

    • The Plot Name (used when creating the Trial)
    • The Trait Name of each observation (from the Search > Traits page)
    • The Trait ID of each observation (from the Search > Traits page)

    It is important to note the units/scale used by the trait in the database. If your observations were recorded using a different scale, you will need to convert them to the scale used by the database first.

    File Format:

    • The first column has the header observationunit_name and contains the Plot Name (or Subplot Name or Plant Name, but it is almost always going to be the Plot Name)
    • Add an additional column for each trait being stored. The column header follows the format {Trait Name}|{Trait ID} and contains the trait values for each Plot. Unobserved plots should be left blank.

    Upload a Trait Observations Template:

    1. Go to the Manage > Phenotyping Results page
    2. Click the [Upload Spreadsheet] link in the top right corner of the page
    3. Change the Spreadsheet Format format to Simple
    4. Upload a Trait Observations Excel Template

    Detailed Instructions  

  7. Finish

    At this point your Trial(s) and Phenotyping Data have been stored in the database!

    The final step is to organize similar Trials together into Folders, which are used to group Trials into Experiments:

    1. Go to the Manage > Field Trials page
    2. Click the Refresh button above the Trial tree to load the new Trials
    3. Click the Create new folder button to create a new folder within a Breeding Program
    4. Click the Move trial(s) to folder to add one or more Trial(s) to a folder
    5. Click the Refresh button again to display the changes
