library(httr) brapi = list( server = NULL, version = "v2", get = function(call, ...) { brapi$request("GET", call, ...) }, post = function(call, ...) { brapi$request("POST", call, ...) }, put = function(call, ...) { brapi$request("PUT", call, ...) }, request = function(method, call, ..., query=list(), body=list(), page=0, pageSize=10, token=NULL) { # Check to make sure the server is defined # Add https protocol if not already provided # remove trailing slash if ( is.null(brapi$server) ) stop("The BrAPI server is not defined!\nAn example on how to define the BrAPI server:\nbrapi$server = ''") if ( !startsWith(brapi$server, "http") ) brapi$server = paste0("https://", brapi$server) brapi$server = sub("/+$", "", brapi$server) # Check to make sure the call is defined # remove leading slash if ( !hasArg(call) ) stop("The BrAPI call is required!") call = sub("^/+", "", call) # Build the full URL url = paste(brapi$server, "brapi", brapi$version, call, sep="/") # Add page parameters to the query list, for GET requests if ( method == "GET" ) { query$page = ifelse("page" %in% names(query), query$page, page) query$pageSize = ifelse("pageSize" %in% names(query), query$pageSize, pageSize) } # Add token as Authorization header, if provided config = list() if ( !is.null(token) ) { config = add_headers(Authorization = paste("Bearer", token, sep=" ")) } # Make the Request resp = VERB( method, url, config, query = query, body = body, encode = "json" ) # Print Response Info cat( sprintf("Response [%s]", resp$url), sprintf(" %s", http_status(resp)$message), sprintf(" Content Type: %s", http_type(resp)), sep = "\n" ) warn_for_status(resp) content = content(resp) # Check for error message in the metadata if ( "metadata" %in% names(content) && "status" %in% names(content$metadata) ) { for ( status in content$metadata$status ) { if ( status$messageType == "ERROR" ) { warning(status$message) } } } # Parse the content return(list( response = resp, status = http_status(resp), content = content )) } )